Antwon Chavis, M.D., FAAP
Board Member
About Antwon
Antwon Chavis is a general pediatrician living with his family in Durham, NC. He and his husband, Nate, became foster parents in 2017 while living in Portland, OR. Over the years, they have welcomed many different children into their home, each placement unique in its challenges and rewards. In 2022 they began fostering a newborn, Ali, and after two years they were able to finally adopt her. The adoption marked a significant turning point for their family, as they no longer had to worry about the uncertainty that had defined so much of their foster experience.
- Children? I have 1 child
- My family-building journey: I became a dad through adoption from foster care
- My unsolicited parenting advice: I encourages others to consider fostering, despite the emotional toll it can take. It’s the most rewarding job you’ll ever have. I believe that if you can be a parent, you can be a foster parent. Everyone says, ‘I could never do that, I wouldn’t want to give them up.’ And that’s true, you often don’t. But that just means you were the perfect person to be that child’s foster parent. That’s love, and every kid deserves it.